Which social media platform should I start posting on? Kreo

Which social media platform should I start posting on?

Confused about which platform to start your journey on? Don’t worry, Kreo is here to help pave the way!

Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook logos


If you’re reading this, it means that you’ve taken the first step towards content creation- by signing up to the Kreosphere, of course! More power to you! This journey is hard, but extremely fulfilling, if done right.

Over the next few weeks, our resident writers- Niraj and Ishan decode how you can go about choosing your favorite platform, a coherent content strategy, finding your “vibe” and what monetization strategies you could potentially experiment with. These are designed to help you become the best version of the creator that we know you are, So let’s go!

Before we dive into it, Let’s just acknowledge HOW difficult it is to choose between platforms these days- Every single social media platform out there is gasping for your attention- and the minute you give a new platform the attention it commands, one of your existing platforms screams out for help again.

Before we rip all of our hair off our heads- Let’s take things one step at a time- let’s figure out what interests you and where your skillsets lie?

Map your interests and skills (come, let us walk you through it)

Ask yourself, what are the industries, niches or interest areas that grab your attention?

For example, let’s assume that you love food and that’s an area you don’t mind exploring in further detail. Now that you’ve figured out that you want to primarily create content about food, do you know what type of content that would be?

Let’s do this based on your existing skillsets:

  • Are you comfortable in front of a camera, or camera shy?
  • Do you prefer talking/providing commentary?
  • Do you like to write/ prefer writing vs. voicing things over?
  • Are you an good photographer?

Based on this, be true to yourself and experiment with the line of skill that comes naturally to you first. Yes, we are MASSIVE fans of stepping out of your comfort zone, but do it only once you’ve mastered a skill that you know you’re good at- there’s a high chance that your future audience will think so too!

Here’s a quick table to help you think through industry/ niche crossed with skills. Yes, feel absolutely free to fill multiple squares out:

Please Note: This table is non-exhaustive- so please add in any relevant features to your version of this table!

Time to choose a platform:

Alright, now that we’ve taken some time out to choose an industry and the form of content. It’s time to go ahead and choose a platform to start off on.

With so many choices, it’s important to map out where your viewers / audiences are and where your skills will shine the most!


  • Example 1: If you’re good in front of a camera, love making long videos about a topic — YouTube has to be your preferred choice
  • Example 2: If you’re wary about long-videos and only want to capture images related to your particular topic/activity — Instagram is your go-to!

Once you know what you are good at or what you prefer- the next most important thing is to map out where your viewers might be. Example:

  • If you’re posting about business, for a slightly mature audience (Age 28+) — Linkedin and Twitter should be your chosen platforms
  • However, if you’re posting about business careers for an undergrad (Age <23), yes — you could put up a post on Linkedin and Twitter, but also DEFINITELY put in a lot more time on Youtube or Instagram

Finding your niche does take time, keep experimenting!

We also highly recommend cross-posting as most of the platforms have similar features now- which is both a boon and a bane, but more on that some other time!

Example: If you create reels on Instagram, we highly recommend cross-posting to Youtube shorts- these platforms are EXTREMELY similar to one another.

Below is also a quick snapshot of demographic information regarding various social media platforms to help you map out your audiences better:

And voila! You’ve chosen a platform and so now you’re officially a budding creator! Time to start posting and get into action mode! Please, please, please do share your work with us by tagging @kreosphere on Instagram? We would love to feature your work!

Next in our series, ‘how much can one earn on each platform?’

In case you need any further assistance with choosing your platform, we’d love to help you. Please email us at something@kreotech.xyz- and we will get back to you ASAP!

Happy Kreo-ting! Hasta la Vista until next time!

Writers: IshanNiraj

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